Its Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPAR) content has
•variety of micronutrients
•potential dyslipidemic, hypoglycemic
•anti-neoplastic tumors
•effective against metabolic disorders such as obesity, Diabetes Mellitus and cardiovascular conditions (MI, Stroke)
•a natural source of multivitamins
Kryptorganic has Chlorella Sorokiniana that is superior to all blood cleansing agents ever formulated. It's effect is like a stem-cell procedure.
Can be taken by a pregnant women (after trimester), children, breastfeeding moms, people with sickness like diabetis, hepatitis, cancer, hemorrhoids, Ulcers, etc.
Its Chlorophyll content is the
●best blood cleanser and detoxifier for kidney, liver and blood vessels
●assist in production and purification of blood
●aids in body waste excretion
1 tablet of Kryptorganic is like drinking 2 to 3 glasses of milk.
5 tablets to Kryptorganic is like eating 1 kilo of green-leafy vegetables.
It can do the following:
C leanses blood
E nergizes cells
L ower cholesterol
L ose weight
R egulates blood sugar
E nhances libido
P rotects liver & liver
A nticancer
I mproves brain/ nerve function
R ejuvenates cell
G rowth enhancer
R educes stress
A lkalizes cells
B uilds strong immune system
E xtends good, healthy life