UNO Premier KryptOrganic: 0208520993, 0245703180, 0273767823, 0268840773

1st Health Kryptorganic (NEW)
Cryptomonadales has a pH level that is alkaline and thus will maintain a healthy pH balance, important for Cancer prevention. The algae Cryptomonadales is an oval single cell organism, similar to human red blood cell, it is a thin soft wall which allows 95% digestibility within 1 to 2 hours.


1st Health KryptOrganic Tablet: 0208520993(whatsapp)

Content: Cryptomonadales 200 mg
Packaging: 100 Tablets / bottle
Dosage: Take 1 tablet 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals or as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Supreme whole food concentrate & storehouse of concentrated nutrients.
Richest source of CHLOROPHYLL “ Nature's Healer” the most powerful blood cleansing agent & it detoxifies the bowel, kidney & liver.
Richest source of Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) “ long life factors”, enhancer of immunity, retardant of aging, stimulates tissue repair & improves nutrients intake.
Richest source of natural PPAR Agonists- the most promising biomedical molecules for metabolic syndrome, anti-inflammation, and cancer in the 21st century.

C leanses blood
E nergizes cells
L ower cholesterol
L ose weight

R egulates blood sugar
E nhances libido
P rotects liver & liver
A nticancer
I mproves brain/ nerve function
R ejuvenates cell

G rowth enhancer
R educes stress
A lkalizes cells
B uilds strong immune system
E xtends good, healthy life