DID YOU KNOW KryptOrganic is made from algae called "CRYTOMONADALES"??
Natural algae have existed for more than three billion years, have been studied and recognized by various scientists awarded with Nobel prizes and also selected as an excellent food for astronauts by NASA.
They are from Mother Nature and have been studied and improved by distinguished biologists from many countries to become the favorite health food for human beings.
Dr. Wang Shun Te with experiences of more than thirty years in algae researches has gone through numerous hardships and efforts since 1990 in order to nurture the most purified and the most precious Cryptomonadales.
Crypto Power chlorella is a unique sub-strain of 95% digestible,green, single cell, soft cell chlorella sorokiniana that also contains the blue pigment, Phycocyanin.
Crypto Power soft cell chlorella uniquely contains a significant amount of all three natural PPARs. Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors .
Crypto chlorella provides the basic anti-aging materials for repair and replacement of your own DNA and RNA.*
- Supreme whole food concentrate & storehouse of concentrated nutrients.
- Richest source of CHLOROPHYLL
- Nature's Healer”
- The most powerful blood cleansing agent Detoxifies the bowel, kidney & liver.
- Richest source of Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) Long life factors
- Enhancer of immunity
- Retardant of aging
- Stimulates tissue repair & improves nutrients intake.
- Richest source of natural PPAR Agonists-
- The most promising biomedical molecules for metabolic syndrome
- Anti-inflammation
C leanses blood
E nergizes cells
L ower cholesterol
L ose weight
R egulates blood sugar
E nhances libido
P rotects liver & liver
A nticancer
I mproves brain/ nerve function
R ejuvenates cell
G rowth enhancer
R educes stress
A lkalizes cells
B uilds strong immune system
E xtends good, healthy life
More positive side effects aside from those mentioned above have been verified and noted down as concrete evidence after the ingestion of CRYTOMONADALES as shown below:
- Delay of ageing process
- Weight loss for obesity
- Clearing of skin imperfections
- Faster growth among children due to the presence of CGF
(chlorella growth factor)which is found in some expensive vitamin-mineral
preparations for children.
- Cancer chemo-prevention effect
Content: Cryptomonadales 200 mg
Packaging: 100 Tablets / bottle
Dosage: Take 1 tablet 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals